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Africa Tech Venture Capital – 2021 Report

Partech Africa

One could try to downplay the scale of this achievement. First, 2021 was a recovery year; after covid slowed investment in 2020, especially in the larger ticket category, accelerated activity was to be expected. Then, there is a rising tide that’s driving 2x growth in VC all over the world, not just in Africa. And finally, it’s still a small market, growing fast in multiples yes, but absolute numbers are still relatively low. But even taking all this into account, 3.6x growth in one year is a stunning success, shattering almost every record you’d care to measure. It’s hard not to feel excited. A rapidly-expanding ecosystem, Africa tech VC hits new milestones every day. More and more teams are given fuel to test concepts, validate models and build scaling infrastructure, working to create new African champions.

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